Hopes make us alive

” The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”
Eleanor Roosevelt

Hope is directly proportional to dreams. We watch dreams because we have hope, of doing better, getting better and achieving better. We are amazingly filled with a basket of energy whenever we think of our better future.

Rohan, a young college going student, was a handsome, hard-working and lovable guy. He was very brilliant in studies too. His college was famous for social science’s education and It was Rohan’s favorite subject. His dream was very much related and dependent on his college life.

Apart from studies, He had the passion of writing stories, articles poems and lyrics. He had submerged his passion in his daily routine very nicely.
He had never shown his writings to anyone but he had the dream to get published.
One day, he sent his writings to two magazines and a newspaper. He waited for days, weeks and now It passed a month without any reply. Rohan was very upset but he didn’t shared his feelings with anybody.
He again sent his new written poems and stories to the magazines and newspapers. He had made his mind that It’s the last time.
‘If this time, it will not published I will leave it for always,’ Rohan thought.

Again, the wait started. Two weeks passed but there was no sign of any reply. In two weeks, he had checked his GMAIL more than hundred times.
Rohan was becoming an upset guy. He was neither sharing his sadness neither coming out of that.
In the same mood, One evening he was walking in the town. He was watching everything on the road very carefully. He saw small vendors selling food items, clothes, toys etc., very few customers were going to them. Customers used to watch the product, debate for the price and at last left the product without buying. But, vendors were not irritated but they used to sell their items as usual. Some of the vendors had to return without a penny but they were hopeful for their next day. They were ready to fight for their betterment without thinning of failure they were getting in return.

Rohan had watched those vendors, beggars, nomadic sellers selling their goods wandering here and there, several times till yet but never thought about their problems, their fight for getting better, their hopes etc.

Rohan began to think sitting on a bench in the park,

A fisherman has to cast net in the water several times. He get nothing but throw the net with same energy and hope.

A poet erases his own lines for getting a better one. He edits his own writing several time to get his desire.

A novel writer spend years to get the right plot but he never looses his hope of getting that.

A painter has to erase and edit his painting several times to get the better result.

‘There are the inspirations scattered at every step and I am hopeless just after two attempts,’ He thought.

‘I would also continue my attempts till my last breath. I will not let my hopes die in just a single failure. I will make myself better and go ahead with the same enthusiasm,’ He promised to himself and returned.

He came to his room, checked his Gmail and there was the email he was waiting for very eagerly.
It was an approval mail.

Now, He has a story of getting published to share with all as well as a story of hopes that had made him the same energetic Rohan once again.


Housing envisions a world filled with positivity. As elusive as it may seem, optimism can be found all around – in your surrounding, on roads, in lives around you or anywhere else.

Optimism is the feeling that inspire us to fight for the betterment.

Watch here for more.

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